Movement Toward Spirituality

283.01Question: In principle, we constantly work in tens. What are we lacking now, some kind of an impulsive effort, an attack through our internal work in external unity? What do we need to add in our work in the tens in order to succeed?

Answer: We are gradually changing. I can see this from the material I present to you and how it flows. This is not random material. We prepare it before each and every lesson as we move from one phase to another. Then I format my thoughts on Twitter.

I see that we are advancing, the tens are nicely structured, and friends are not indifferent to participating in them. At the beginning, they were forced to work in tens, then they realized that they had no choice because it really must be this way.

Now, they are not in the ten only because they have to be, but even in an egoistic sense they feel that they begin to perceive something through the ten. They understand that through the ten they will reveal the force of redemption, the force of revelation, inspiration,  all desires, all the light, and all of spirituality. I see that they relate to spirituality as something precious, at least as something essential.

At least no one can be indifferent to the ten, and this is the reason that we feel this movement, and it is very good.
From KabTV’s “Fundamentals of Kabbalah” 2/5/19

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