Grasp Where And What You Are

laitman_938.03Question: Is the Creator forcing us to attain Him?

Answer: Of course. Even if I supposedly want to reveal the Creator myself, this also means that He is forcing me.

But why do I need that? Suddenly, in the middle of life, I begin to want to reveal the Creator. It is weird. Usually, a person wants to do something in our world, for himself, to arrange everything normally for himself. This is our usual animalistic egoism.

However, suddenly egoism begins to demand something unnatural—the attainment of the upper force. We see that such a desire for the Creator awakens in a small number of people. It is not even 10-20% of the world’s population that are awakening but literally a handful.

Therefore, these people who feel the desire to reveal the Creator feel that they are somewhat special, although it is unclear if it is for the better or for the worse. They lose the taste for life a little, there is a reassessment of values, and they do not know what to do with themselves.

If the science of Kabbalah is revealed to them at that point, it is like a lifeline for a drowning person, which they can grasp and gradually begin to reveal in themselves where and what they are, and where this incomprehensible, hidden, alluring and at the same time unattainable goal is.
From KabTV’s “Fundamentals of Kabbalah,” 1/26/20

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