Bnei Baruch As A State Of Transition

laitman_962.1Our group, Bnei Baruch, is a transitional link between the Creator and humanity. This is our mission, and therefore, we should not be impressed by the ups and downs that should not affect the overall correction process and the personal condition and mood of each of us. We must ensure that the connection between the Creator and the people of Israel, the Creator and all creations, is a connecting channel, thinking only about the fulfillment of this role.

The deeper we understand this role, the more clearly we feel that, on one hand, we are the Creator’s workers, and on the other hand, we serve all creations. This is a permanent job, which was given to us forever.1

It is said: “Make your desire,” that is, the desire of the world, “as the desire of the Creator.” The Creator wishes to give the world a blessing, and we need to arrange the world so that it would want to accept the Creator’s desire, the bestowal from above. Therefore, we need to absorb the desire of the whole creation, properly adapt it, and elevate it to the Creator by combining two aspirations: the Creator’s desire to bestow to the creations, and the creations’ desire to receive what the Creator gives.

In essence, our desire should be corrected to the likeness of Bina, where Keter and Hochma rule in the upper part, and to the lower desire, Malchut, in the lower part. Therefore, we would not have helplessness, descents, and disappointments, just a permanent state defined by the desire of the Creator and the desire of the creations that fill us and oblige us. And we are the point of choice in the center of Bina, which decides that it is obliged to combine these two parts: the highest part is the Creator and the lower part, the creations.2

We have no other desire or any other duty beside the fulfillment of the Creator’s desire for the creations, that is, the creations should get closer to the Creator. And we ourselves are a zero, only an adapter. There can be no swings and falls in such a state, only the constant fulfillment of its mission.3

If we look deeper inside, we will see that there are no people of Israel and people of the world, and this is only the game of the Creator with us from two sides: above and below. There is no one but the Creator, and I am in the middle, between these two forces as a connecting point.

The Creator presents Himself as a supreme force, as a creator, and He presents Himself as the creation. I am placed in the middle between them, and I have to do everything to connect with both forces, absorb the desires of all creations, and include all fulfillments, that is, screens, the power of overcoming from the Creator. Therefore, I perceive the creation as my own soul, which I have to bring to merge with the Creator.

And then I will not despair and be upset that the creations do not want to listen to me and blame me. It does not matter to me because I execute my mission and will not retreat. But the Creator will arrange different states for me: He will light up a little more from above and do something nice, then He will push me from below with blows, and this is also good. I see everything as an aid toward advancement, and therefore, I am not affected by the results. It does not matter how many years it will take, I execute my role, which obliges me to act. It is said: “Anything but leave.”4
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/4/19, “Bnei Baruch as a State of Transition” (Preparation for the Convention in Arava 2019)
1 Minute 0:20
2 Minute 2:40
3 Minute 5:40
4 Minute 1:17:11

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One Comment

  1. Bnei Baruch is indeed a transitional state between the nations of the world and the Creator.
    However, I pray that the world may embrace and understand this Sacred and Unique role.

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