The Rider Leads The Horse To His Destination

Dr. Michael LaitmanBaal HaSulam, “Thou Hast Hemmed Me In Behind and Before”: Hence, you should not think that you are drawing away from holiness, which means that the Creator doesn’t operate on you, doesn’t work on you or manage you, since He has forgotten you, “For he that is banished be not an outcast from him.” And every wheel turns to come to holiness, its root.

Therefore, although it seems that the horse leads the rider by its base desire, the truth is not so. It is the rider who leads the horse to his destination.

Because of the concealment, we forget, don’t understand, and don’t feel the leadership of the upper force. We think that we operate according to our own desire, and that we are the ones who make mistakes, but we mustn’t think that way. We don’t do anything and it is all the Creator’s doing. But because we haven’t made enough efforts prior to the revelation of the Creator, He has to give us more means in order to reveal Him, which means to increase the concealment on the next level.

The Creator wants us to reveal Him, and so he constantly pushes us towards this revelation according to our state. He increases the concealment in order to help us reveal Him. If we are ready for the revelation, for the understanding, and the feeling, the Creator diminishes the concealment a bit, seeing that in this way we will attain Him faster.

The rider leads the horse to his destination, in each and every case. If a person says that he has made a mistake and that he has caused harm, it is a naïve illusion. We have to say that everything in the past was done by the Creator, and only with regard to the future can we say: “If I am not for myself, who is for me?”

We mustn’t regret the past as something that we did. I should only regret the fact that the Creator has arranged things this way for me so that I couldn’t adhere to Him at that point.
From the 2nd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 5/14/14, Writings of Baal HaSulam

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