Don’t Fall, But Rise In The Middle Line!

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: Why at the end of the Passover holidays does one feel heaviness of the heart, and how is it possible to help your friends who feel it harder than you?

Answer: I didn’t think that you would already reach heaviness of the heart. I thought the opposite, that during the holidays we felt the need to advance in two lines: right and left, in order to connect them at each moment to the middle line, to the Creator, to “There is none else besides Him” Who directs us. We are incorporated within Him and adhere to Him in that we all connect to one man with one heart and merge with Him into one whole.

And in this way we remain adhered and happy in the most difficult heaviness of the heart since we are able to connect it to the same state of unity, rise even higher, and be even more dependent on the Creator. And that is a wonderful action that is given us, and one needs to give the effort in order to execute it.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/2/13, Writings of Rabash

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