Conventions: Breaking The Shell Of The Old World

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: We are now on the threshold of three big conventions. What state does the world group need to reach as a result of the upcoming conventions?

Answer: At these conventions, we need to reach the entrance to the upper world, to begin to feel it, at least temporarily!

Before a person enters the upper world, he moves like a worm that tries to get out of a radish. He sticks his head out a little bit and pulls back, comes out and back again. He moves like a piston, back and forth.

Similarly, we do the same: We stick our heads out and back, stick out and back, until we accumulate the desired pressure and use it to finally come out of that radish, from our world. Thus, there are moments when we gnaw at the peel of that radish and begin to break it.

This is a difficult step, but I hope we will do it at our conventions and at least begin to get outside, to breathe in a different reality.
From the Virtual Lesson 4/21/13

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One Comment

  1. Open hearts that are willing to be touched are effective preparation. Just allow Love to bless you. First feel the sorrow of being in the state all of humanity is right now. So much fear and sadness in many hearts. Then ask Grace to heal the brocken connections. A warm glowing peace will be sensed. Be blessed everybody!


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