Training Egoism

Dr. Michael LaitmanWill the time come when egoism is not against me, but “for” me, together with me?

This will happen when I move egoism completely away from me, put it in front of me, and separate us by restriction and the screen. Then, I will be able to begin to work with it like as help, and not against, but “for” me.

In other words, it is when we reach the state called Hafetz Hesed, the properties of Bina, and then rise further to the property of Keter.

Training Egoism
After I fully master the property of Bina and I have the screen for this, when I can do with my egoism whatever I want, then I am starting to use it in the positive area. In the first stage, I only cancel egoism, and in the second stage, I begin to work with it for myself. This “beast” is already so tame that I simply use it for myself, and the darkness becomes the Light.
From the Kharkov Convention “Uniting to Ascend” 8/17/12, Workshop 2

Related Material:
Don’t Identify Yourself With Egoism
The Turning Point Of Consciousness
The Degrees Of The Growing Ego

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