Don’t Make Us Carry You On A Stretcher!

Dr. Michael LaitmanIf you don’t perform the right action during a descent, you are creating a double Machsom (barrier) before you. You should have overcome one Machsom during the revelation of a new void, but you postponed it and said that it wasn’t in your powers to do so. Now you’ll have to wait until the Creator turns to you again, which means that the new conditions for correcting that phenomenon will be revealed in you again, but differently. The Creator changes one angel, one force, with another and gives a person another chance to advance.

A person cooperates within a whole system in which he has to complete his part, which depends solely on him, in order to ensure the existence of the whole system and to advance it towards the goal. This movement takes place in the whole system, where every part is spurred and depends on others according to the order of correction from the bottom up in the chain of the Reshimot (informational genes).

What will happen to a person who doesn’t fulfill his Reshimot? Others will have to do his work. So a person damages everyone seriously if he doesn’t carry out the tasks that are revealed to him. By that he harms the whole system, the whole group. He doesn’t allow the group to advance and makes it work on extra corrections in order to complete what he couldn’t do. They have to carry him on their backs, like in a battle, when you have to carry a seriously wounded soldier on a stretcher. It’s a very sad situation for the group.

Since the whole system is whole, and the emergence of the Reshimot determines who should act first and who should act later, and how we are connected to one another, then all our actions depend on one another and complete one another. By not carrying out your task on time, you immediately condemn yourself and the whole world instead of judging yourself and the world to the scale of merit. You are standing on the scale tilting them to one side or to the other by being responsible for the whole world.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 9/24/12, Writings of Baal HaSulam

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One Comment

  1. Does a person that can overcome reach a need for the creator’s help? What causes this need if not the inability to overcome?

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