Don’t Forget To Buy Bread For The Soul

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: What can I do if nothing helps me wake up and we are totally surrounded by indifference?

Answer: We should understand that even if I can’t wake up internally I can still act it externally, and thus I awaken the friends internally. If we speak about the Creator’s greatness, we will be ignited and awaken ourselves. That’s the way it is in every action. It would be enough to hire foreign actors to act before us their awe and excitement regarding the spiritual goal so that we would be impressed by it.

There is a story about a Kabbalist who lived in a remote village in Europe, who used to invite Klezmer street musicians to play for him. His wife used to yell at him for giving them the last pennies since they wouldn’t have enough for food, and he would answer he had to do it to revive his soul.

The wife wondered how he could be impressed by them. After all, he was such a great man, a respected Rabbi, and they were just drunk vagrants who would use the money to buy vodka and to get drunk. But he answered that it didn’t matter. They played for the money since they wanted to drink and he listened since he wanted to be spurred to the spiritual work.
So you too have to find friends who will play before you, even if it is for their self-benefit, as long as you will be impressed.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 9/14/12, Writings of Rabash

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