Shortage Of Time: Good Or Bad?

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: The human psyche is designed so that it allows a person to accurately estimate the time of speaking: If he is given three minutes, he will talk for three minutes; if he is given an hour, he will talk for an hour.

What time allotment is better: a little shortage of time or should it be sufficient for everyone to speak?

Answer: Certainly there should be a little lack of time, but it should be just a little. It is not good when people feel that they only just started talking.

Usually each question winds in a spiral: becoming deeper, and better, and more. Therefore, there is never enough time.

However, we have to understand that in general this is given to us only with a purpose to “kick off” the unity between us, but then all of it should be passed into the daily lesson. There we realize everything that we created, that we begot during the workshop.
From the Virtual Lesson 5/20/12, “Fundamentals of Kabbalah”

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