Don’t Wait For Trouble

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: In America there is no protest movement like in Spain or Israel. So how can we transmit the message of mutual guarantee to people here?

Answer: First of all, don’t be sorry that your situation differs from Spain or Israel. In these countries the problems are much greater than the ones you are experiencing. Don’t be sorry about this. You should learn from small troubles. Our approach is not to be happy about people’s suffering.

One way or another, people feel that the world has changed and has placed such problems before them that their solution cannot be found by politicians, sociologists, political scientists, psychologists, economists, or pedagogues. This allows us to come forth with the explanations.

First of all, we explain why no one is able to find the solution: because there are new forces now operating in the world, which are in harmony and global interconnection, while the leaders do not understand that and are using outdated methods. We have to try to bring this message to people so it will seep into them drop by drop.

Obviously, it’s easier to give explanations to those who suffer. However, we have to treat everyone with love. We wish to save our own children from troubles so they won’t have to learn on bitter experience. We want them to go from good to better. And that is the same approach we should have towards everyone.

If we don’t attain success after all our efforts, the troubles will nevertheless arrive, and under their blows people will become more and more perceptive to our explanations. But it’s best to explain everything to them before that. It’s like you are throwing a seed into the ground and with time, it grows through.
From the Miami lecture 9/14/11

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One Comment

  1. Why do we talk about improving our Life on Earth through mutual gaurantee etc.
    Is not the aim of creation to progress beyond the Physical life on Earth and enter spiritual unity? Will peace in the world not sink us deeper into this dreamlike state we think is reality?

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