The Right Envelope For Nature’s Message

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: You are saying that the masses do not have to study the science of Kabbalah as we study it. But can a person change internally if he does not use the primary sources? All the changes originate from them.

Answer: You came to Kabbalah because you have the desire to advance. Thus, the point in a person’s heart pulls him forward. He does not feel right; he wants to see tomorrow, to achieve something, to open up heaven for himself, and that’s why he comes to study.

It doesn’t matter how big his bank account is and whether he is successful at work or in his personal life. He has another problem: He must find the meaning of his life, discover its purpose.

This is not how things stand with those who are pushed forward by corporeal circumstances, such as a lack of money, inequality, envy of others, and so on. These negative conditions push a person from behind by causing him to suffer.

When people are driven by suffering rather than an inner calling or a desire for development, you cannot promise them that learning will solve all their problems because a person does not associate his pain with a good goal ahead, with the revelation of the Good Who Does Good. And he will not feel this connection before he exits evil.

To do this, he must become attracted to the good ahead. The only good for him is called “unity,” “mutual guarantee.”

And thus, you are telling him, “If we unite and agree with this integral, global Nature, then it will be good for us.” But instead of referring to the science of Kabbalah, you send him to scientists, politicians, economists, and other experts. You present him with the facts that are already accepted and articulated by people who are significant in his eyes. He is not about to sit down and study together with you; he has different plans for his life. He believes that you should give him an appropriate answer and the means available for its realization.

It is written, “Raise a lad in his own way.” We have to address people in a manner that they can hear and understand. We talk from the position of nature itself and prove that the crisis is the consequence of the global, integral world. We collect the opinions of professionals and the results of scientific research and combine them into a picture of the crisis and its solution.

The problem is that humanity is not aware of the modern world and therefore cannot get used to it. We can only enter the correct path once we begin to unite. Tens of thousands of bright heads, the best minds of humanity already talk about this. And we should show their words to the world because maybe the world will believe them. They state that change for the better is impossible without the correction of man. And this message will be heard by at least part of the audience.

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One Comment

  1. Well written and I agree. It is actually critical to avoid the subject of Kabbalah. as many people have a negative connotation with it.

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