Let The Light Come In!

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: How do the Reshimot (spiritual information data) get realized?

Answer: All Reshimot are sorted by the Upper Light (the Light of AB-SAG). Imagine what kind of work it is to sort out all the Reshimot that remained after the collective Malchut broke while wishing to perform full correction (Gmar Tikkun).

Malchut of Infinity performed a “Zivug” (adhesion, merger) with the Light of the End of Correction in its full volume created by the Creator, in its entire phase Dalet (4/4). And all of it broke into the tiniest fragments. There is no property, Sefira or its sub-Sefira, that would remain linked with the other. They hate each other.

What an infinite multitude of various properties are now in the Rosh de SAG from the multiplication of these Lights that rose to it after the breaking! It is impossible to count and imagine it. The Light of the End of Correction is against the Kli (the will to receive, desire) at the End of Correction, and instead of unification, there is hatred between them. And this entire Kli is completely broken, fallen apart into fragments.

And now, Rosh de SAG has to sort the Kli broken in all its individual Sefirot: what to collect from it in order to make the first Partzuf, at least somewhat corrected, under the Second Restriction and various limitations. What an enormous and complex job it is!

On the other hand, when the Upper Light comes in, it illuminates this entire multitude of breakings, the Reshimot, and they immediately line up in its light with each of them taking its correct place. The Light organizes them, illuminating who gives more and who gives less; and in this light, they all get aligned in a straight line at once.

Then, from the countless multitude of these forms, SAG selects the correct forms and puts them in order. But how does it pick them out? This work, still done by the Upper Light that illuminates Reshimot from Above, most wondrously discerns what is right and what is not, according to what property, in which direction, and in what way to align them along the three lines, from Above downward, with the screens so that all of them are mutually connected.

The Light collects the broken parts into the first drop of semen, which is the beginning of an embryo. It contains everything but the work that must be added. Yet all sorting is done by the Light. And then, the lower one is able to work. As to the discernment, the lower one can never accomplish that.

Therefore, if we wish to discern something, sort it out, and unite with each other in our world, we will never be able to do so. Nothing and never! We need the Upper Light to connect all separated parts since we, too, remain in the broken world. Meanwhile, we wish to organize, restore, and revive it ourselves… What a foolish endeavor!
From the 2nd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 12/19/10, Talmud Eser Sefirot

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The Elusive Key Component
Remembering The Light
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It’s Not Easy To Agree With The Light

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: How do we feel that the Light is working on us, by sorting the Reshimot in us?

Answer: In order to achieve a state where the Light sorts out our Reshimot (spiritual information data), a person must be ready for it. In reality, I do not discern my Reshimot; the Light does. It isn’t I who decides, but the latter. I am willing to accept its decision and ask the Light to do it for me. This occurs as a result of the most powerful breaking.

We have to undergo the breaking in order to agree with everything that the Upper One discerns in us for our own good.
From the 2nd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 12/19/10, Talmud Eser Sefirot

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Let The Light Come In!
The Key Issue: The Willingness To Change
If You’re A Hero…

A Trip Into The Past

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: What is Reshimo (reminiscence)?

Answer: A Reshimo is what has already happened, a previous spiritual state, since nothing disappears in spirituality. The previous states that emerge in every detail but don’t manifest in life due to the lack of the screen which serves as the means of their realization are called “Reshimot.”

Suppose yesterday I was in some state, and today I am reliving it. In spirituality, this state emerges in me in its every minute detail, as if I am living it right now. It is totally, 100% clear to me what is occurring, and nothing is lost; I simply cannot realize it due to lack of the screen. This is called “Reshimo.”

It is not a recollection of the past as in the corporeal world when I remember something “vaguely.” A Reshimo is when I don’t doubt anything; everything is revealed as in the present except for its realization.
From the 2nd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 12/19/10, Talmud Eser Sefirot

Related Material:
Let The Light Come In!
From Despair To Bestowal
Faster Than Time

Giving Up Bread While Starving

Dr. Michael LaitmanNo movement that attempts to unify people without the wisdom of Kabbalah has a chance to succeed. Only this wisdom supplies you with the connection to the Upper Light by describing the actions it performs. When you read about these actions and desire to realize them within yourself, you start to constantly change. There is no other means.

People can assemble in various groups, but let’s first ask: What is their goal and the means to achieve it? Do they think that they are able to change human nature themselves? If yes, where will they get the stamina to do so if we are all egoists? If not, it won’t go any further than talking.

There are people who enjoy giving as their nature dictates, “egoistic altruists.” And they don’t understand that they act from within their ego because they don’t have a second nature, the spark from Above. They are really willing to give it all away.

In the time of my youth, when I lived in Leningrad (St. Petersburg, Russia), I had a conversation with an old woman who used to be a revolutionary. She told me how she used to give bread out to the soldiers who were leaving for war. She was starving but didn’t allow herself a thought of taking a crumb of that bread.

People are willing to give up their lives because our ego is above the animate level. The ego resides at the speaking (human) level, while the life of the body remains at the animate. And if a person feels that his “self” is hurt, he ignores his body. If he sees that the animate body is trying to overtake the human in him, he destroys this beast. There is no altruism in this.
From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 12/19/10, “A Handmaid that is Heir to Her Mistress”

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Who Is The Human Within Us?
Why Should We All Strain Ourselves?
Learning To Operate According To A New Program

Unified By Love Or Hate

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: There are movements that gather up to two thousand people in their meetings that also make appeals to love and unite, mentioning not one word of Kabbalah. Is such unification possible without employing the sources?

Answer: Don’t you see that they are not succeeding? Perhaps, two to three thousand can get together like that. A great disaster may also force people to unite. But true unification can occur only with the help of the Upper Light, the force we don’t possess. Or, we may do so if presented with enormous egoistic benefit, such as fear of invasion or tremendous reward.

Yet, such unity is temporary. As soon as the cause that created it dissolves, the connection immediately dissipates. Therefore, unity cannot be achieved.

There have always been various “altruistic” organizations. Baal HaSulam writes that there are 10% natural altruists in the world who wish to unite, but it is completely egoistic. If examined internally, behind all the talking about unity, you will see solid egoism. We have many examples of that: Communist Russia that is now approaching fascism and Israel’s Kibbutzim.

Any attempts to create unity without employing the Light that Reforms will fail. Left without a choice, they will be forced to employ dictatorship and violent force; otherwise, such a system won’t be able to endure.

We constantly face a dilemma: We either reform the nature of man or compel him to unify by force. And any forced compliance, a Nazi regime, will inevitably lead to war. Baal HaSulam wrote about this even when he was still alive. And Russia won’t have a choice but to continue developing according to the same script. Correction becomes possible only on one condition: if people employ the wisdom of Kabbalah.

If we don’t reform ourselves and unite by way of the Light, we will be unified in a different manner: The world will be overtaken by fascist regimes. After all, Nazism is another form of unification, though it is unity of one group against the other.

People will feel that they have to unite, that unity brings salvation and ascent, and that is right. But they won’t be able to ascend and save themselves without the outside force which will be hate of somebody else. Otherwise, they won’t have a reason to unite! To do so, they need a visible, hated foe who will unite them together against it.

This is how the ego works or it doesn’t feel the necessity to unite. Therefore, society starts leaning toward Nazism and fascism. If the world leaders do not accept the method of correction by the Light and reveal the source, putting their citizens “at the desks” to study it, then very quickly they will have to deal with a Nazi regime that will immediately lead to war.
From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 12/19/10, “A Handmaid that is Heir to Her Mistress”

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At The Threshold Of Revelation
Unity Above Hate
Unified By Love Or Hate

1 + 1 = 3 (The Creator Between Us)

Dr. Michael LaitmanYou need to get used to the fact that if you begin to scrutinize anything, you always find two opposing attributes inside that, nevertheless, are united. It’s a kind of “splitting.”

If you’re working with an egoistic desire, then everything works out nicely: 1 + 1 = 2. But if you combine the desire to receive with the intention to bestow, they are opposite and cannot unite. In other words, 1 + 1= 3! The third is the Creator. You have to get used to that paradox and accept it as natural; it’s a norm for us.

We are witnesses to such a “paradox” in human society. On the one hand, everyone does everything possible to separate himself from the others, but on the other, people are looking for contact with each other.

It has turned into a mania. There was a case where an entire mobile communication system broke down, people were left without cellular phones, and they just started going crazy. How can it be that everyone wants to be alone, and on the other hand, can’t do without communication with other people?

The fact is that a person wants to be alone for a short while, so that no one will interfere. But together with that people tend to live together: in one big city, in one mass culture. They tend to imitate each other and to do everything the same way as the others. Therefore, one does not negate the other.

A person needs his corner where he can hide, like a bee each in its personal cell. But as soon as one receives such “independence,” he has to feel that he exists among everybody else.
From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 12/19/10, “A Handmaid that is Heir to Her Mistress

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Balance In Society
The Moving Force Of Creation
From A Virtual Reality To A Spiritual One

Very Simply About Love

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: What is true love and is it really possible?

Answer: By design, we are so unique and complex that we cannot truly love a spouse, our parents and children, people around us, humanity, or the Creator unless it is all tied into a single whole!

We are developing in such fashion that our nature won’t let us love only one particular individual. A person thinks that he loves his children, wife, and maybe some other people, but in the end, he isn’t succeeding with any of them. He sees that something constantly breaks, crushes, and he runs into walls, with all of his desire to love. But why is it so?

The wisdom of Kabbalah reveals this secret to us by saying that love can be only absolutely perfect and general. If you don’t love all, you won’t be allowed to feel love for any individual. This means that you must love everything there is: the Creator, humanity, the world, those who are close and dear, and those who are distant, all as one whole. This is the only way to achieve love. Otherwise, it is impossible. I am sorry I have to tell you this, but it’s true.

Besides, we think that love is something very exalted, something heavenly. In truth, love is a beast; it is something very simple: the act of unification of “flesh with flesh.” But if we wish to raise this beast that lives among us and is called “love,” then we have to feed it with something called “mutual concessions.”

I yield to you, thereby feeding our love, and it gets “thicker.” Then you yield to me, and our love grows. Since we are all egoists, concessions are the only action that can help us cultivate love.

We have to learn to concede! There are only two principles to love: the first one is to build love on concessions, and the second is that love can be only all-inclusive, and then each individual love will also come true.
From Talk with Arkadi Duchin 12/22/10

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Concessions Bring Peace In The World And Family
Once Again About Love
Boundless Love

Daily Kabbalah Lesson – 12.26.10

Writings of Rabash, Shlavei HaSulam, 2, “What is the Extent of Repentance”
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The Book of Zohar — Introduction: “Vision of Rabbi Hiya,” Item 56, Lesson 3
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Talmud Eser Sefirot 3, Part 8, Item 32, Lesson 19
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Rav Yehuda Ashlag “Peace in the World,” Lesson 5
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