Format Yourself For Spirituality

Dr. Michael LaitmanAs your intentions while reading The Book of Zohar get more correct, you will begin to uncover spiritual pictures within them. You won’t sense the corporeal images, but rather the entire development of events within yourself: in your desires, sensations, intentions, and attitudes.

The picture must fall together within you since spirituality is all that occurs within desire. In accordance with the correct intention, the will to receive begins acquiring spiritual forms. Intention “paints pictures” within the desire, formats it so that it takes these forms. Everything The Zohar describes will be perceived in the will to receive as if it is happening directly to it.

For example, my computer has a software program that opens text files in “Word” format. But if someone sends me a “.jpg” picture or an “.xls” chart, I won’t be able to open them in “Word.” Even though they contain very important and useful information, I can’t extract it. Hence, I must first obtain a new program, download it into myself, my will to receive (my “hard drive” or “computer”), and then it will be able to receive the data transmitted to me in its format.

Essentially, this is exactly what we are doing while studying Kabbalah. After all, what is the wisdom of Kabbalah? You acquire the new program for your will to receive or your vessel of perception (Kli). Having formatted it anew, you are able to perceive new images and information.

Previously, your program was working solely for reception, and now a new program has been “downloaded” into you, the program which understands what it means to bestow. It means new values, new relations between desires, intentions, and attitudes, new meanings of ascent and descent, right and left lines; everything acquires a new value and meaning. This new program changes everything.

In this case, what is left of the old? What is left is the will to receive but the connection between all its parts is implemented now with the new formula: how much a person gives to another, not how much he receives from him.

Then, since I am programmed so that all my desires perform in mutual bestowal to each other, I understand the incoming information of bestowal in any format that it comes (“text,” “video,” or “audio”). I can open and comprehend what it is, and every message is clear to me.
From the 2nd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/3/10, The Zohar

Related Material: Post: The Intention Is The Thread To the Future Post: "Glasses" For Reading The Zohar Post: Coming Out Of The Illusion

One Comment

  1. This is deep! Thanks for publishing

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