The Inner Collider

Laitman_509A question I received: Is there a chance to do something beyond the boundaries of the movie we live in? Can we “improve” the script?

My Answer: Aside from the script, there is an opportunity to delve deeper into the “internal science” by studying yourself. We cannot limit our studies to the “outer sciences” such as psychology, culture, sociology, or politics. All of these are the “external forms” through which we perceive the world. They actually don’t tell us much about this world, which is the reason for the many mistakes we make. Those sciences don’t shed any light on the laws of this world, nor do they show us the direction of the changes we undergo.

Psychologists, sociologists, politicians, and others draw an “external” picture which they perceive according to their personal standards and goals, their own point of view.  That’s why we desperately need the wisdom of Kabbalah since it allows us to go deeper within ourselves, to the level of “basic particles,” and study the authentic material that we are built of; it is closer to the truth than our subjective psychological fantasies.

We would stop making mistakes if we were able to go deeper inside ourselves and begin to realize what’s going on within us, at the deepest level; if we break through all the shells that we are dressed in, like layers of an onion, through the various forms of perceiving the outer world, we would learn to trust ourselves and understand what’s going on and why, what allows us to advance, what is beneficial or harmful.

This becomes possible only if a person obtains the ability to see within. In order to achieve this result within the boundaries of the “external sciences,” we have to build a particle accelerator by using our inner sight. A collider is within me. I need to reach the degree of accuracy that allows me to sense forces that act within me, that perform the job of a collider.

This is what the wisdom of Kabbalah allows us to achieve. Only by reaching this point will we be able to understand the origin of creation, our place in it, where we are heading, and where we will arrive – our entire Path. By doing so, we will be able to direct ourselves correctly and stop making mistakes.

From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/15/10, The Zohar

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Video: The Relation Between the Most Advanced Theories in Science and Kabbalah (6:58)

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