The Crisis Will Force Everyone To Wise Up

wiseA question I received: I have been studying with you for four years already, and I disseminate Kabbalah on the Internet. But there is one question that has been bothering me for a while. Many of the sites that I connect to don’t want to hear anything about Kabbalah, and they say awful things about me and about you. They don’t understand what crisis we are talking about. After reading these comments about us, I feel empty and lose the desire to disseminate. What should I do?

My Answer: You are lucky to be living in a generation when it is permitted to disseminate Kabbalah. Imagine how the great Kabbalists of the past felt! You should read about them: how they were beaten (physically and otherwise) by their own kind.

You have to understand the level of your opponents’ development and patiently wait for them to mature. (“Ma Laasot Im Yeladim She Hizkinu – What can we do with children who have grown old but stayed children?”) However, in our time the crisis will hit everyone, and it will force everyone to wise up and to accept Kabbalah as the means of salvation. They simply don’t know what Kabbalah is, because they have been scared off and deceived. Give them time to suffer and figure things out.

As for where to get emotional strength, read what Kabbalists write about the need to disseminate Kabbalah. Personally, I tell myself that I am obligated to follow their instructions, and this frees me from thoughts such as, “Is this really necessary?” – even if the only things I receive in return are hardships… The Goal obliges a person! For centuries, Kabbalists dreamed of the opportunity to disseminate, and we have been given this opportunity. Must we even ask for anything in return?

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Kabbalah for the Student: “Kabbalists Write about the Wisdom of Kabbalah”

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