Drunken From Wholeness

laitman_572_02Question: Why is the Purim holiday considered to be a family holiday all over the world?

Answer: It is not a family holiday. The Purim holiday is more like a children’s holiday, a holiday of happiness and joy, because it symbolizes a rebirth of the people. We are seemingly reborn on this holiday!

When we are separated from each other, we are not a people. Yet, when we begin to gather together, something new is born in us. So, on Purim, there is a custom to give each other gifts, Mishloach Manot (gift packages), especially wine and sweets.

Wine symbolizes Ohr Hochma (Light of Wisdom). Hamantashen, triangular shaped cookies, symbolize Ohr Hassadim (Light of Mercy). Hassadim and Hochma must connect, be clothe one another, and this will give us spiritual elevation.

On the Purim holiday, there is a very interesting custom of drinking wine without any restrictions,  Ad De’lo Yada (until one doesn’t know). If on this day a person is as drunk as Lot, this is a sign that he has fulfilled the tradition of the holiday.

That is, if we maintain the Purim holiday spiritually and unite, then with this we lead all of humanity to unity and raise them after us to the level of adhesion with the Creator. All of humanity attains eternity and wholeness, and this state can be materialized in someone about whom it is said, “…until one no longer knows the difference between ‘Blessed be Mordecai’ and ‘Cursed be Haman.’” In other words, a person completely forgets about all his limitations. He goes into a space where there is nothing but eternity and wholeness. This state can be compared only with the state of a person who is drunk with happiness without drinking any alcohol.

On the Purim holiday, all the streets of Israel are full of the sounds of singing, dancing, and carnivals, which are called, Adloyada. We put on costumes and seemingly change our identities, becoming someone else.

Question: Why do we say that a time will come when all of the holidays will disappear and only the Purim holiday will remain?

Answer: This is because all of the holidays symbolize transitional steps on the way toward complete unity and attainment of the Creator, adherence with the higher power. All of the holidays are classified up to this level: Rosh Hashanah (New Year), the exodus from Egypt, receiving the Torah, and so forth. They precisely represent the stages of the work toward unity between us, whereas Purim is the final holiday that symbolizes the completion of correction. After that, we attain wholeness and eternity one hundred percent.
From a Talk about Purim 2/18/15

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