Joy Through Tears

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: Is there a sign to help me see whether or not I’ve managed to awaken the friends in the group? Will they appear happier?

Answer: Only children can feel happy without a reason, but an adult cannot. He can only rejoice when he has completed his task: reached the goal of adhesion with the Creator.

If you read King David’s Psalms, you will see that he doesn’t stop talking to the Creator; he is either crying and asking the Creator for help or blessing Him. These are two opposite states, and a person must remain in both of them. On one hand, he is screaming and crying, begging the Creator; on the other, he is happy that he has the need to turn to the Creator, to demand from Him, and that the Creator has given him this opportunity.

His body or ego suffers, but his soul rejoices in knowing that thanks to these states, it receives the privilege to ascend to spirituality and connect to the Creator. Therefore, the book of Psalms is the most holy book since regardless how King David feels, good or bad, he experiences adhesion with the Creator.

But how can there be adhesion when one feels bad? After all, if I am in adhesion, I am supposed to rejoice. Why is he crying then? He is crying because he is lamenting his uncorrected desire while his intention is in adhesion with the Creator.

This is something that we are still unable to comprehend or to act accordingly. We are still acting like little children. When something doesn’t go our way, we fall into despair or, on the contrary, when we become happy about something, we forget about everything else. But we are unable to stay in both of these states at the same time, and it’s a shame.

This means that a person cannot control himself because he cannot correctly connect the events he is going through. On one hand, he has to undergo these unpleasant states, while on the other, he has to feel a connection with the Creator, the One who sends these mishaps, confusion, and problems.

But in the group, where there is a connection between the friends, this can’t occur because one friend is in a state of ascent, another is in a descent, a third friend is asleep, and so on. Thus, a person perceives all of these states simultaneously and is included in all of them.

There are those who are strong and others who are weak, but everyone, in accordance with their personal attributes, receives problems, traps, and difficulties from Above. Each person undergoes them; the only question is how quickly the states give way to each other.

We are given an opportunity to “take off” a 1000 times faster than what is happening with us today. And this means that we can reach spirituality not in a thousand years, but at this very moment!
From Daily Kabbalah Lesson 12/3/10, Writings of Rabash, Letter 24

Related Material:
Why Wait For The Blows?
Manual: How To Bring Joy Back

One Comment

  1. This is great!

    I usually say “Even now, even here, everything is infinite, everything has purpose” when I am sad. If everything is connected and attributed to the infinite there is never total sadness or total happiness. In a state of bliss it reveals the dark, and in the sad states, the light. Its all here, all the time, always. This is such a strong and sturdy foundation, a rock, something to hold onto in an ever changing world.

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