Entries in the 'History' Category

“Civilization Basically Stopped Progressing In The 1960s”

Dr. Michael LaitmanOpinion (Peter Thiel, billionaire Facebook investor, former PayPal CEO, and Palantir co-founder): “For most of recent human history—from the invention of the steam engine in the late 17th century through about the late 1960’s or so—technological process has been tremendous, perhaps even relentless. In most prior human societies, people made money by taking it from others. The industrial revolution wrought a paradigm shift in which people make money through trade, not plunder.

“The zenith of optimism about the future of technology might have been the 1960’s. People believed in the future. They thought about the future. Many were supremely confident that the next 50 years would be a half-century of unprecedented technological progress.

“But with the exception of the computer industry, it wasn’t. Per capita incomes are still rising, but that rate is starkly decelerating. Median wages have been stagnant since 1973. People find themselves in an alarming Alice-in-Wonderland-style scenario in which they must run harder and harder—that is, work longer hours—just to stay in the same place. This deceleration is complex, and wage data alone don’t explain it. But they do support the general sense that the rapid progress of the last 200 years is slowing all too quickly.”

My Comment: All the years of development after 1960 have not been beneficial for mankind. We need to rise to the next level and strive to achieve goals other than the material ones that no longer can satisfy and benefit us.

Related Material:
The End Of Human Development Or A New Beginning?
Egoism At The Finish Line
Man’s Responsibility To Rebuild Society

How Many Times The World Has “Died”

Dr. Michael LaitmanStatement: 2800 B. C. – Assyria: The inscription on a clay plate reads: “Now, at the end of times, the Earth is coming to an end. There are multiple signs of imminent cataclysm. Bribery and corruption have become habitual.” And yet, in about a couple of centuries after these words were written, Assyrians created one of the most powerful states in the ancient world.

50-100 A.D. Palestine: The first followers of Jesus Christ expected the end of the world that in their opinion could have happened any moment. Jesus Christ’s prediction of forthcoming destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem and prophecy of His second advent were rapidly spread by word of mouth. Obliteration by the Romans of the Temple in 70 A.D. signified that the prophecy came true. Persecution of Christians formed a specific psychological atmosphere within their then small communities. Nevertheless, quite soon Christianity became the national religion of the Roman Empire; moreover, clerical hierarchies officially announced that the apocalypse would be delayed till an indefinite time in the future.

1000 A. D. – Western Europe: In 1000, righteous Catholics were afraid to enter a new millennium, a new era in the heavenly kingdom. Continuous anticipation of the “end of times” led Europe to complete desolation. People were preparing for Judgment Day and stopped caring about corporeal problems: They didn’t plow the lands, pasture cattle, nor did they continue to trade…The new year’s eve of the year 1000 was an apotheosis of tension; thousands of people gathered in Rome in anticipation of the Pope’s blessing that they received together with his advice to go back home. It became apparent that the end of the world had been delayed once again. But mass hysteria ended only in 1033 after everybody witnessed that the promised apocalypses didn’t happen yet again at the 1000th anniversary of the crucifixion.

1492 – Russia: Orthodox countries of Russia and Greece were preparing to celebrate 7000th anniversary of the world’s creation and face the end of times. Collapse of Constantinople 40 years prior to this event seemed to be an obvious evidence of the coming end of the world. Even though it didn’t happen in 1492, nor any time after, people in Russia were still waiting for it to happen for many decades afterwards.

1914 – USA: The prediction of the end of the world became one of the main tricks of multiple popular sects that emerged in the twentieth century starting with Russell, the founder of “Jehovah’s Witnesses,” who declared that “Judgment Day” will happen in 1914, later he moved the date to 1915; eventually he died in 1916. His successors immediately proceeded foretelling the doomsday in the nearest future up until 1975. In anticipation of the apocalypse, their victims donated their property in order to save themselves from eternal oblivion. When the “end of time” didn’t take place once again, followers of “Jehovah’s Witnesses” explained this situation by saying that they were misunderstood.

2010: Fear of the apocalypse resumed when the Large Hadron Collider was launched: It clearly demonstrated that protons’ collision triggered appearance of “black micro holes” that have the ability to “swallow” the world. As it is well known, the Earth is constantly bombarded by extremely powerful cosmic rays.

12/21/2012: The next doomsday is scheduled for the end of 2012. “Interpreters” of the ancient Maya have explained the words The thirteenth cycle of a 400 year period will end on the 4th of Ahav, third day of the month of Kankin – the imagery of armed Bolon Okte with its great encirclement” to be a prediction of the upcoming apocalypse, although this particular excerpt delineated the coronation of a king.

My Comment: According to Kabbalah, there is no such thing as the “end of the world,” but rather there is a transition to a new, higher, integral perception of the material realm that reveals itself to the degree of correction of our properties and as a consequence of the extent of change in our organs of perception of reality. It’s already happening; the process started in 1995 and will continue.

Related Material:
To The Fateful Date Of The Mayan Calendar
We Are Being Pressured By The Higher System
The Mayan Calendar: 2012 Is Not The End Of The World

Today, All Roads Lead To New Jersey

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: Is there a difference between watching the convention at home, on the computer monitor, or coming there in person? Does a person get anything additional by being there in person?

Answer: You probably know that in the 18th century it was popular among the wealthy class to buy their own seat or box in the opera or theater. If a person wanted to hear his favorite aria in an opera, he could come for just those 15 minutes, enjoy it, and then go back home. Back then there were no tape recorders or recordings so people had to come there in person to hear a symphony or opera.

Later tape recorders and televisions were invented, so why haven’t theaters closed down to this day? For example, a ticket to an Italian opera performed by a famous singer costs a lot of money. I once went to an opera in London and the cheapest seat at the top of the gallery cost 40 pounds. But people still go there because it is impossible to transfer an impression through the screen.

To get a full impression, you have to be at that place in person. “A place” is a spiritual notion, which also exists in our world.

And this is even truer for a Kabbalistic convention because we get together to unite! And for that it is not enough to see it on the screen or hear it through the microphone. If even a recorded opera does not give you the same impression as a live performance, then it is even more so with the feeling of unity.

The entire purpose of the convention is unity. All the events, seminars and discussions are devoted to this. This is one, single, living process, which cannot be conveyed in any form. For this I am willing to travel to any group, to any point in the world, even though this is quite burdensome for me. But there is no choice; I cannot carry out my mission in any other form and you cannot attain the goal in any other way.

Only if someone lives in a very remote location and has no opportunity to attend, and really cannot (and he will have to prove that to the Creator, not to us), then apparently there is a personal, special calculation with him. But I would not let the opportunity to take part in a convention pass me by for anything.

There is a famous example of a person who lived thousands of years ago in the Negev desert and worked in agriculture, and once a year he travelled by foot to study in Jerusalem. He was only able to stay and study there for one day because the road there was so long that he had to immediately set out to go back so he could return in time to start working in the field. But to this day there is still a special day during the year that was named in his honor (“a student for one day”) when everyone sit and study.

It is impossible to pass energy from one person to another without personal, physical contact, when we are all together. That is why we exist in this world! This world is special because we are all egoists and are therefore able to begin our connection only in this way.

After all, we are not connected with a spiritual connection yet. And therefore, another, lower level has been given to us, called “this world” – an imaginary reality in which our connection is born. And after that it already begins to grow in spirituality.

It is like a flower that does not grow until the grain rots in the earth and a sprout grows out of it, which then grows to become a flower. That is how we must plant the beginning of our connection. And even though we are in the egoistic world, our grain must rot in this egoistic soil and a new sprout will shoot out of it.

However, this preliminary phase, this physical connection between us is necessary, and that is why this entire world exists.

I think that after these words, an explosion should occur and everyone who hasn’t registered yet will rush to register to the convention. If I was a person living in America, I would not stay home.

You can place a television with the biggest screen in front of you, and set up the ideal, most comfortable conditions, take a vacation from work so no one will bother you from watching, but this still won’t give you real contact. You will miss out on the most important thing: the inner sensation, and will see just the external picture.
From the lesson on 5/9/12 in America, Shamati

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Less Indecisiveness
The Necessary Step
Why Are We Going To The Convention?

The Epoch Of Free Choice

Dr. Michael LaitmanIt’s difficult to speak about the Holocaust because this topic is closely tied to people’s feelings. It’s easier to discuss wars that went on thousands of years ago, even though they were often waged between our people, for example, between the Hellenistic Jews and those who adhered to the fundamental principles. And on the whole, the people of Israel have certainly led many wars with external enemies: the Romans and others.

We know that all the past wars were an outcome of Israel not fulfilling its purpose. We know from the Tanakh and Gemara that if the people of Israel acted correctly, then no nation would rule over us. Baal HaSulam writes about this in the article “The Arvut (Mutual Guarantee).” Even earlier the Ari had said that had we remained as guarantors for one another, like it was at the period of the First Temple, and had we not fallen from it, the impure forces wouldn’t have gained power over us.

However, our fall was laid down in the program of creation so that in this world, as an analogy with the spiritual one, we would go through the breaking of the kings of DaHGaT (the destruction of the First Temple) and the breaking of the kings of TaNHYM (the destruction of the Second Temple). In our material world we also had to go through these two breakings, and this is why we fell from the spiritual degree to the very bottom.

At the time, Rabbi Akiva laughed when he saw the wasteland in place of the Temple. “I never believed that this would come to pass,” he said, “and since the Second Temple was destroyed, now there is no doubt that the Third one will rise up and that complete redemption will come.” So, these two destructions and the long exile were necessary. It can be said that then there was no free choice yet, all the states were determined by the interaction of the Light and the vessel on the way down.

And today, when we came to the lowest degree and achieved the greatest egoism, a new world is starting to rise. It’s already “rounding off,” already manifesting the breakage, and as Baal HaSulam says, we stand on the threshold of redemption.

As a consequence, new laws are now acting on us, not the “mechanical” principles that previously propelled us forward along with all humanity. In parallel with its development, we went through various states of ascents and descents all the way until the present time, but from this point on, a new epoch is starting, the era of free choice.

After the breaking, after the fall and mutual inclusion with the world, today everything is ready for correction. And we are the ones who realize this correction through good deeds and the request that comes from broken souls. However, these broken souls aren’t capable of the request and good deeds. What can we do?

We are trying to unite into one whole as it was before the breaking, before the destruction of the Temple. And even if we can’t realize it ourselves, it’s our efforts that are the “good deeds.” I keep on trying until the point when I beg for help, until I cry: “Save me!” Thereby I raise MAN, the request for correction, and in response help comes from Above, called MAD.

And in this we have free will: We can accelerate our history, the process which we need to go through. If we don’t carry out in every second everything that we’re capable of through our free choice, then the missed and unrealized state doesn’t arrive as a long-awaited dawn in the property of mercy (Hassadim), but turns to properties of overcoming (Gevurot). As a consequence, in place of “still waters” come “turbulent waters,” instead of waters of Bina come the waters of the flood, and so on. And instead of going forward on the path of Torah and the Light, in loving your friend as yourself, we wander, spurred by troubles that don’t advance us but simply force us to actualize the actions that we missed. After all, one way or another, we are obliged to complete them.

This brings up a question. At first I was able to produce a certain action aided by unification within the group, by understanding and feeling, by the mutual inclusion with friends, mutual support, and so on. I could reach for what didn’t seem to be a pressing need, even if it meant artificially raising the importance of this action in my eyes. But now, when I’m being spurred on by catastrophes and necessity, am I actually realizing my free will? No. Does it mean that I am heading toward the end of correction like an animal fleeing the blows of a whip? And this is spiritual development? Where is the free will in that?

The thing is that misfortunes will lead us to think and reflect, and through their help, we’ll begin to grope around and recognize evil. However, for this we will have to pay and in such case, our free choice will be a lot more complex and multi-layered. After all, there are no concessions here; a person still needs to go of their own free will through every step on the 125 degrees of ascent, from the lowest point back to the end of correction. Otherwise he will not be a human being.

Thus, we raise a request for correction (MAN) and receive an answer (MAD) from Bina. If this doesn’t happen, we transition to the properties of overcoming, Gevurot. And this means misery and disasters, both personal and collective, including the Holocaust. On the whole, this process ripples through all of mankind, but the people of Israel are affected several times stronger since they are not fulfilling their function.

At the end of “Introduction to The Book of Zohar,” Baal HaSulam writes about the fact that the world is divided into two parts: internal and external, “Israel” and “nations of the world.” “Israel” is also divided into two parts: the inner one includes those who study the wisdom of Kabbalah in order to correct themselves, and the external one includes those who don’t care about correction. And in turn, the internal part of the “nations of the world” is their “righteous,” and the external part is their “wicked,” “those who cause harm.”

A connecting mechanism operates within this system: The way that the two parts relate within “Israel” is the same way that they relate within “nations of the world.” And therefore, when those who study the wisdom of Kabbalah rise above, then correspondingly, within the “nations” the people who yearn for unity and good coexistence also gain force. And conversely, if “Israel” disregards the inner Torah, the wisdom of Kabbalah, in other words, if they disregard their purpose, then within the “nations” the pyramid inverts also: The external ones rise above and take power over the entire world. Of course, these events are far-reaching and they negatively impact “Israel,” whose message and purpose descend, giving way at the top for the wicked and casting to the very bottom those who study Kabbalah and who are close to spirituality. This is how the “hierarchy of power” is laid. 

This is what happened with us in Hitler’s times. Israel acted contrary to its role, preferring corporeality to spirituality, and in accordance with this, within the nations of the world the destructive part rose above the good one, until the pyramid flipped over. And at that point, “the one who brings harm” came along and did his job.
From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/19/2012 on Holocaust Memorial Day 

Related Material:
We Should Prefer Internality
Israel: By Birth Or By Goal
Israel’s Mission

Why Study The Past?

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: The course of evolution of human egoism can be studied through the example of the four phases of the development of nature. Should we study other subjects in this evolutional context?

Answer: No, from the point of view of the development of egoism, evolution and history are historical forms that gradually accumulate and change thanks to egoism, and do so suddenly, by a leap. Any kind of social activity, interrelationships, engineering, or technology is replaced within a few years or decades by another kind since one obliges the other.

Social relationships change, and thus the post, telegraph, telephone, notaries, parliamentary interaction, and so on emerge. That is, everything changes on the entire level, on the entire dimension of human interrelationships.

We are not simply studying history, but social, political, economic, public, and technological development, as well as instruments of work and production, and agriculture. It is because agriculture determines migration, which determines demography, which determines something else. All in all, everything is so interconnected!

Also linked to this are the glacial age, the minor glacial age, the period of vegetation, and so on. We connect ecology with it, including the climate. We see that all of this is one, whole system.

Question: Why do we need to feel these phases?

Answer: If one does not know what happened yesterday, tomorrow he cannot think correctly. One must see the entire huge system that has always been moving and has brought us to our state today. Although it continues to move our still, vegetative, and animate states, it leaves to us the fourth level of development as free will, because we must complete it ourselves.

It turns out that one can make some approximations already and see that we will be moving forward. However, if one does not add his personal participation by exercising his free will, interacting with others correctly, and voluntary restructuring himself and society in advance, before receiving blows from behind, then his still, vegetative, and animate components push him forward harshly and summon corresponding actions within him. These may be terrible diseases, earthquakes, upheavals of revolution, and so on.

We do not have a clear view of this process as the necessary empirical material has not yet accumulated. However, we can make an approximation as to what kinds of blows we will be experiencing that will push us from behind, “toward happiness by the stick,” so to speak, if we do not forestall it through our unification, with mutual participation and aspiration toward harmony and unity.

This is why it is very important to study the past.
From a “Talk on Integral Upbringing” #12, 12/16/11

Related Material:
Farewell To The Animate Level Of Development
The Theory Of Internal Contact Between People
The Beginning Of Enlightenment

Fukuyama: The End Of History

Dr. Michael LaitmanOpinion (Francis Fukuyama, an American political scientist, political economist): “…the excesses of capitalism are a threat to democracy…

“We have had a lot of technological change that substituted for low-skill labor and made many people in Western democracies lose their jobs.

“We have unthinkingly embraced a certain version of globalization that assumed we had to move very quickly into this post-industrial, post-manufacturing world. Doing so, we forgot that the whole reason real socialism never took off in the US was the fact that the modern economy seemed to produce middle-class societies in which the bulk of the population could enjoy a middle-class status. They worked in industries that were abolished in our countries and transferred to countries like China.

“What you are going to see in a democracy with a weaker middle class is much more populism, more internal conflict, an inability to resolve distributional issues in an orderly way.

“The president [Obama] never annunciated a vision of a different kind of economic order that did not just look like a return to a kind of classic big spending, liberal Democratic formula. The Democrats have never articulated an economic philosophy that is not just the return to the 1970s, big government and so forth, or the position of the labor unions which is very hostile to globalization.

“We should never have permitted the Chinese to de-industrialize a large part of the world.

“China is never going to be a global model. Our current Western system is really broken in some fundamental ways, but the Chinese system is not going to work either. It is a deeply unfair and immoral system where everything can be taken away from anyone in a split second, where people die in train accidents because of a rampant lack of public oversight and transparency, where corruption rules. We are already seeing huge protests in all parts of China …

“Liberal democracy still really is the only game in town worldwide, in spite of all of its shortcomings.”

My Comment: This is the end of history of the past history and the beginning of a new history. The next level of human development has to replace a person with a machine, to eliminate excess production, to release people from unnecessary labor, and to free as many as possible man-hours from environmentally harmful production of unnecessary things and services.

We need to look at people’s liberation from labor as a necessity, the requirement of nature, and to become aware of our transition to the next level of development. It involves achieving unity and completing each other, to the point when society will become a single whole in which we will feel the unity of nature—the upper dimension.

Related Material:
China Is No Longer A Locomotive
The European Crisis: Homelessness Spreads To Middle Class
The Crisis Will Last For Many Years

Historical Dates

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: Could you please give some historical dates for a better orientation to the history of Kabbalah?

Answer: Adam: 5772 years ago, or 5772 – 2012 = 3760 BCE – the date of his revelation of the upper world.  Hebrew chronology begins from this point.

It should take 6000 years for all people to reveal the upper world; that is, all of humanity will reveal the upper World in the remaining 6000 – 5772 = 228 years.

Additional Dates:

    1392 – 1272 BCE:  Moshe (Moses)

              1312 BCE:  Mount Sinai – the Revelation of the Creator

   1354 – 1244 BCE:  Joshua

    1244 – 889 BCE:  The Elders

      889 – 352 BCE:  The Prophets

      352 – 312 BCE:  The Members of the Great Assembly

                  1-2 CE:  Rabbi Akiva

            2nd Century:  Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai, the author of The Zohar

 312 BCE – 218 CE:  The drafters of the Mishnah

         218 – 636 CE:  The drafters of the Talmud

        636 – 1140 CE:  Gaon.

Related Material:
Kabbalah Without A Trace Of Mysticism
History from Kabbalah’s Point of View
Kabbalah: From Abraham To Present Day

Israel’s Mission

Dr. Michael LaitmanThe mission of the nation of Israel divides into several stages. First we rise to the degree of the end of correction ourselves. This is why we came out of the state of Babylon and then fell into the state of Egypt, and 400 years later received the method of correction while standing “beneath Mount Sinai.” Next, we rose to the level of the First Temple, which is essentially the particular end of correction for this group.

However, this is not yet the end of the world’s development, which is why we descended into exile and then rose to the level of the Second Temple, and finally, went into the last exile on the level of the nations of the world. Altogether, considering the intermediate phases, this was our fourth exile.

All phases of this path remained in our Reshimot, and thus, today we must finally correct ourselves. We will thereby rise to a level that is even higher than before since we mixed with the nations of the world, which will join us in the process of this final ascent. That is how we rise to the level of Israel’s correction and the level of the general correction.
From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/17/11, “The Arvut (Mutual Guarantee)”

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Friends, Don’t Hold The Line!
The Aliens
Where Is The “Group Of Abraham” Today?

The Time Of Grandsons Is Here

Dr. Michael LaitmanBaal HaSulam, “Mutual Guarantee” (abridged version): The merit of the forefathers is that from the height of their souls, they realized the principle of love for the neighbor without preliminary actions, which they were unable to realize. Thus, only the nation of Israel entered the mutual guarantee.

The Creator made one receiving desire, consisting of four “layers”—four levels of depth or Aviut. We start to discern the layers of egoism from light to heavy. The souls that have already completed the analysis and correction then help to perform the work on the following, coarser layers of desire of the common, single, broken soul.

First the souls belonging to the level of the forefathers are corrected. We also call them “the house of Abraham.” This is talking about thousands of people who attained the spiritual world under his leadership. Their Aviut was very small and therefore they did not need to attract the Light that reforms during the study. It was enough for them to unite with one another a little because there was no repulsion between them as they did not fall into egoism yet on all of its four levels.

The fall happened later, in the Egyptian exile, and only then did Israel start needing the Light that reforms, meaning the method received on Mount Sinai. After all, a person corrects only what surfaces in him. The Torah, the method of correction, is intended for work with the evil inclination. When it became revealed in Egypt, the force of the Light capable of correcting it became revealed.

However, on the level of the forefathers, there was no need for this yet. This is the most “transparent,” purest degree of level zero of Aviut, comparable to the state of conception. At this stage, the Torah and the Light that reforms are not necessary for correction since there is nothing to reform yet.

Next comes the level of the sons, with the Aviut of the first and in part, the second level. And then comes our turn, the second, third, and fourth levels of Aviut, belonging to the “period of the Messiah.” Every generation in this lineage corrects its own layer of the common desire, the common soul.

Thus, the forefathers did not need the study that evokes Light, being in states of “the desert.” It was enough for them to be in the situation that surfaced in Ancient Babylon. Each of them revealed his evil somewhat, which the Torah describes metaphorically by talking about how Abraham and Sarah came down to the Land of Canaan, how Isaac solved problems with Esau, and other issues.

Next, Jacob and his sons came down to Egypt and died there, in this great, receiving desire. Then the sons of Israel went through the burdening of the heart and wanted to work on unification together to rise above hatred. However, first they descended even lower in their Aviut, which is called “visiting the cities of Pitom and Ramses.” Stated differently, by attempting to unite with each other, they did not build wonderful unity, but instead created something petty, sordid, and dangerous.

That is how they reached the need to run away from egoism and then went through the “ten plagues,” meaning unsuccessful attempts to escape. Every time they asked Pharaoh to “let them go,” they were denied, until the sorrow became unbearable. Only then, in the state of pitch darkness, does a person run away from his egoism, ready to rise above it at any price, “Better death than this kind of life.” A person reaches the final decision, really wishing to unite with others, as one man with one heart in mutual guarantee, and then he receives the method of correction.

This method leads him along the stages of the spiritual path: Tme after time, he discovers destruction inside of him and corrects it with the help of the Light that reforms. As a result, he reveals and corrects his entire, enormous egoism.

This process does not occur in all of humanity, but in a small group of Abraham’s descendants. On the path, it goes through breakings, analogously to the spiritual world, and falls down. And only later, in our days, does the true work of correcting the common soul begin.

Thus, even though since the times of the sin of the soul of Adam HaRishon, the forefathers and sons completed their work and attained their end of correction on the level of the First Temple, nevertheless descents followed after that, corresponding to the spiritual breakages. Both Temples were destroyed, similar to the two Partzufim in the world of Nekudim.

Now, after millennia of intermixing, we are reaching the analysis and correction—the self-realization. Precisely now, after all of the necessary “introductions,” the real work begins. The preparation is finished, and all that’s left is to correct ourselves.
From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/15/11, “The Arvut (Mutual Guarantee)”

Related Material:
Correction: The Beginning Of The Final Stage
“Reward According To The Effort”
The World Depends On Us

Let’s Attack Pharaoh All Together

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: At the December convention, will it be possible to make a huge leap in the inner worlds?

Answer: We do not make a leap at the convention, but we go from our lowest state, which does not even have a name and does not belong to the spiritual ladder, to the first degree on it. This is not a leap.

We have to understand the difference between our preliminary work, which takes place before we step onto the ladder of the spiritual degrees, and work on these degrees. The preliminary work is very group-oriented. I include myself in others, they influence me and I influence them. I don’t have my own spiritual individuality yet. I don’t exist as a spiritual individual yet.

Therefore, if I include myself into thousands of people who are around me, I receive their opinions, desires and forces, and like in our world I use the capabilities that society has, which enables me to reduce my path a great deal. It’s analogous to taking an uneducated person from the jungle and teaching him to be a prince, like in the musical My Fair Lady.

We can all receive support from the common brain and the common heart, from our inclusion in one another. When I become included in the general field that others create and in which all Kabbalists of past generations take part, all souls, the entire common soul, then I receive the forces enabling me to make the leap.

It turns out that others worked for 20 years to attain the spiritual level while I came just a couple of years ago (or maybe 3 or 4 years ago, since every person requires a minimal time period), yet everything depends on my desire. I can become included in this common unity and ascend together with everyone.

There is a saying that goes, “Ask Me and I will render,” which means we can receive the spiritual state in advance and pay for it afterwards. This is possible.

But when a person already starts rising up the spiritual levels, a more individual development occurs there. Even though it also presupposes mutual inclusion with others, there a person starts consciously working with the Light and discerning desires.

Therefore, those who do not have spiritual attainment yet can adhere to society the way a small child holds on to an adult. Everything depends on a person’s efforts: He has the opportunity to participate in the convention and enter spirituality by virtue of the whole system.

Similarly, we also don’t repeat the corrections that the great people of the past generations completed. We are like little children they lift in their arms, allowing us to rise even higher. We are standing upon the platform they created.

And the same thing will happen with the beginners who join us at the convention: They will receive the same kind of support from us, from their “previous generations.”
From the 3rd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/13/11, Talmud Eser Sefirot

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Let Us Awaken Ourselves By The Light
The Convention Awakens Life Within Us
Before The Most Important Event Of Our Lives