Limited Knowledge

928Question: There are many types of people according to their development. Some people do not feel the hidden volume of data, i.e., hidden factors affecting them.

But many people, scientists in particular, are haunted by this. They make this the goal of their life. That is, a person feels a reality is concealed from him and suffers from it. What meaning does nature put into this?

Answer: This is the fate of humanity, which must feel its inferiority in knowledge. Thanks to this feeling, he moves forward. But will we understand all of nature, and will it be revealed to us or within us—the question remains open with no answer. Of course, we try to enter this uncertainty, to understand it, develop ourselves, and feel there is no question about this. But the fact is that as we accumulate knowledge, especially lately, we get used to the fact that not everything is given to us, we cannot learn everything, and we will not reach a large amount of knowledge. The Universe is open to us in ever greater unknowability.

Comment: This is interesting. Humanity believes we are moving from ignorance to knowledge, and now, you are saying the opposite.

My Response: Yes. As humanity develops, it begins to understand its limitations in knowledge and sensation.
From KabTV’s “Kabbalah Express” 11/27/23

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