Unfriendly Sea

703.04Question: In the past, you and Rabash used to go to the sea every morning, and this habit has stayed with you until now. Is there any meaning to it, the water and sand? Why the sea specifically and not the forest?

Answer: The sea is the most beneficial thing there can be. However, in our time, it has become entirely different; it is either a lot of jellyfish or huge waves.

The rise of the ocean and seas globally has become quite noticeable. Where once there used to be a coastal strip about 100 to 150 meters wide, it has narrowed to 50 meters. All of this is compressed on a narrow coastal strip, which no longer allows walks or strolls.

Over the past years, the very essence of the sea has completely changed. Now, you do not feel the same sea as before. It has become unfriendly, menacing, and unloving to us, as if it is not part of nature close to us. These transformations form the entire Earth’s climate.

I feel and know the sea very well. I sense an unpleasant force within it toward humanity. Lately, unfortunately, it seems to convey negative thoughts.
From KabTV’s “I Got A Call. The Great Mystery of Water” 8/20/11

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