Audio Version Of The Blog – 7/1/24

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Attention to the Friends

528.01Question: Should we constantly return our attention to our friends in the ten?

Answer: What does returning attention mean? I must always work that my attention is solely on them and continuously growing. That is not something you can do once every five or fifteen minutes. It needs to be continuous.

I would compare it to a woman who has just given birth to a baby; she constantly thinks about the baby. No matter what happens, she thinks only about the baby. That is how we should think about the group. There is no other example in our world.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/17/20, “Preparation for the Convention”

Related Material:
The Group Is Built On Reciprocity
Above All the Desires of the World
The Group Is Salvation

Bestowing, Receiving

549.01Question: How can I act while accepting everything from my friends in the ten and at the same time giving them everything?

Answer: Rabash writes about this in articles about the group.

Let us say if I am in a relationship with my friend, I am for him and he is for me, then in this way we convey our feelings to each other. Does giving back to him prevent me from receiving from him? It turns out that bestowing to him and receiving from him are all equivalent to bestowal.

It is the same with him. Whether he receives from me or gives to me, it all happens only for the sake of giving to me. Therefore, there are no problems in action, since the intention is the same—for the sake of bestowal.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/19/20, “Preparation for the Convention”

Related Material:
Receiving In Order To Bestow
Subtleties Of Receiving In Order To Bestow
Bestowal In Two Phases

Questions about Spiritual Work—142

281.02Question: When you join the ten, what ways can you open your heart to your friends and in what areas should you always be reserved?

Answer: One should keep one’s personal feelings in humility.

Question: If the friends do not share their inner feelings but mostly make efforts, how does the building of a connection, a common Kli, take place?

Answer: The friends gradually begin to feel each other, i.e., their place and spiritual work.

Question: If there is a big difference between internal and external work on the love of friends, how do we combine all this?

Answer: Do not get confused and solve the problem, you will see how the Creator solves it from above.

Question: It happens that one friend wants to implement the principle of “make yourself a Rav” about another. How do we start implementing this principle in the ten?

Answer: You just need to exalt your friend, how great he is, and how different he is from others. In this way, you make yourself a Rav.

Question: Is it possible to ask the Creator to convey the feelings that you experienced to the friends, for example, at the congress?

Answer: Ask, you can ask for it.

Question: How can we keep humility in the ten? What is worth talking about, and what is not worth talking about?

Answer: You can talk about humility without any restrictions.
From the 1st part od tje  Daily Kabbalah Lesson 6/15/24, Writings of Rabash Letter No. 33

Related Material:
Questions about Spiritual Work—141
Questions about Spiritual Work—140
Questions about Spiritual Work—139

Correction Is Changing the Intention

255Question: What does it mean to let the Creator work on me?

Answer: To avoid such questions, you must understand the language of Kabbalah. The absolute, positive, and only existing force of creation is called the Creator.

Besides this force, there are small negative forces specially created by the Creator, which include us. We are made this way solely to attain the positive state, the Creator, from our negative state.

The Creator is a constant positive force. There are no changes in Him. When we say that the Creator nears or distances from a person, does something, or creates something—none of this is true. This force does not change or it would not be perfect.

Apart from it, an evil force called Adam was brought into existence; it is opposite to the Creator and must do everything possible to become equal to Him, to resemble Him. Precisely because the force of creation is evil, it can perceive the Creator as opposite to itself.

But it cannot change its nature on its own. The only thing it can do is receive the opposite, positive force from the Creator and sort of dress it on itself as its intention. In doing so, it remains egoistic, receiving, unable to change anything within itself. However, if it receives the intention to bestow from the Creator, it can work in receiving for His sake. That is what must happen to us. That is what we strive for.

Then we will become similar to the Creator. But similarity lies not in the action itself since we cannot emanate or bestow something from ourselves. We can only receive, but we can do it to bestow.

In other words, if we stand before the Creator and He wants to bestow to us, we need to add only the intention to bestow to our quality of receiving so we receive for His sake. Then we become similar to Him, equivalent, because in spirituality, not the action itself matters, but its meaning.

Receiving the intention to bestow is our correction.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/19/20, “Preparation for the Convention”

Related Material:
The Power of the Intention to Bestow
Desire And Intention
All The Difference Is In Intention

Creating Pressure in the Ten

631.4Question: What does it mean to create pressure in the ten?

Answer: We need to create such tension between us that it pushes us out of this world, out of egoism, out of shattering, out of the distances between us. It should compress us together, and we should find a state where we are connected.

As soon as we touch this state, we will immediately feel the Creator within it.

Question: How can these groups that are far from us help create pressure on us? After all, we are here, and they are there.

Answer: What do you mean by these groups? We are all participating together in the spiritual process! It is a great armada. But most important is to set the direction and the overall tension toward universal connection.

We must create such an effort, such cohesion within ourselves, that everyone can participate. That depends on us.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/17/20, “Preparation for the Convention”

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Who Solves Our Problems?
The Mechanism of Mutual Guarantee
Hold on to Each Other

One One Hundred Twenty Fifth Part of the Creator

929We wish to reach a true and serious connection. Therefore, we are working through all the conditions to feel the collective effort, leap, and internal pressure, the necessity for complete connection within which the Creator will appear.

The Creator is an absolute force, perfection. However, it weakens when this perfection descends to us through the entire system of worlds. Passing through 125 degrees becomes very tenuous, but we have yet to reach it from below upward.

We need to establish contact with this tenuous condition of perfection above us, connect with it, and become like it.

In other words, the connection between us should be similar to this small quality of the Creator—1/125th part of His state. That is what we must achieve.

I hope we will put in all our efforts to come together in one leap “as one man with one heart.”
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/17/20, “Preparation for the Convention”

Related Material:
125 Degrees
125 Degrees Of Drawing Closer To The Light
125 Attainments Of Perfection

Harmonious Symphony of the Universe

232.01Question: Is spiritual pleasure not a form of longing or psychological pressure that you want to escape from, but the same kind of pleasure we get from something in everyday life?

Answer: It is the pleasure of unity with the entire universe. We are designed in such a way that a person feels the perfection of all creation in this state. This sense of perfection is the highest fulfillment, the highest pleasure!

Question: Is it not comparable to our earthly pleasures?

Answer: Not at all! Absolutely incomparable! Nothing else can replace it. It is our highest, greatest, and strongest desire, and it is filled with eternity, perfection, and harmony. You feel the interconnectedness of all opposing elements and how they complement each other and resonate.

This infinite, harmonious symphony fills you so completely that you almost have just enough capacity to think a little only to understand how vast and perfect it is.

Question: Do you perceive this even while sleeping?

Answer: Sometimes.

Comment: It is interesting to live in such a world.

My Response: Do not think that living in such a world means being in a constant state of nirvana. It is a world that you must constantly maintain within you, rise up, analyze, and elevate yourself. It is not an easy world, no. But, of course, it is an amazing pleasure from being connected with perfection.

Question: What is the result of all this?

Answer: The result is that you begin to feel your responsibility to everyone, the need to diligently study the wisdom of Kabbalah and do everything possible to ensure that everyone achieves this state! You cannot enjoy yourself if others are not enjoying it. You must descend to them and do something so that they can taste at least a small spoonful of this pleasure!
From KabTV’s “I got a call. Infinite bliss“ 3/7/10

Related Material:
Spiritual Pleasure
What Is Spiritual Fulfillment?
Infinite Pleasure Is Right In Front Of You (Advanced)

Daily Kabbalah Lesson – 7/1/24

Preparation to the Lesson

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1st part of the Lesson — Writings of Baal HaSulam, “The Last Generation”

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2nd part of the Lesson — Writings of Rabash, “Letter 60”

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3rd part of the Lesson – “Teachings of the Fathers,” “Mishna, Pirkei Avot,” Chapter 4, Item 5

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Selected Highlights

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