Working with a Random Ten

938.03Question: What does it mean to get together with another ten? There is some confusion here, and it is unclear where to move.

Answer: What’s the difference. The main thing is that this is a group of people to whom you want to nullify. You don’t need to know them much to do this. They also have the same intentions, movements, and plans as you. So try it.

Then you will begin to feel that you and they have movement toward unification, and you will start to unite your intentions, thoughts, and desires, which will collect in you. You will divide them into receiving, bestowing, intentions, and actions. And so everything will go further. You know, just like in relationships between people, you will have such connections.

And it doesn’t matter that the ten will be new every time. On the contrary, it is good. You can achieve a lot if you work hard on yourself.

Question: What conditions and forces are needed to achieve self-annulment?

Answer: No conditions except desire. Any person who feels such internal pressure within himself can achieve this, and he does not need anything for this, only those properties in it and the group in front of it.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/19/20, “Preparation for the Convention”

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