Work Within and Above Egoism

963.4The science of Kabbalah reveals the possibility of expanding one’s senses and awareness into an area opposite to the material one, to a new level, into a new dimension. Therefore, I completely surrendered to it, but with strict control over myself.

Kabbalah gives us great opportunities because you must constantly move against your egoism. Do you want to move? That is egoism for you. Try to use it to see how right or wrong it is, whether you need it or not, and how much you are just busying yourself with it. Some other properties, desires, and values in you push you toward this.

And we start working against your ego! We make any comprehension, any movement, not because you are carried forward, but on the contrary, with difficulty, with a tremendous force of opposition.

A scientist is driven forward by egoism, which pushes him to research. But here, it is the other way around. Therefore, there is a considerable opportunity for self-control and analysis: “Am I doing this right or not? For what? Why? Do I need this at all?!”

Question: A scientist is drawn in by egoism, but a Kabbalist is repulsed from his work. What makes a Kabbalist do this?

Answer: It is the importance of understanding the meaning of creation, comprehending the Creator, but not from a scientific point of view like a scientist, even though it is also importance for a scientist.

In principle, all scientists want to grasp the Creator. Subconsciously, any person in our world who lives only to feed himself still has the thought: “I want to understand the Creator,” otherwise he would not exist. Every atom and every molecule exist only for this purpose because in the end everything will come together in this comprehension.

But unlike scientists, you go against your desires and properties. And it is precisely because of this that you have a vast opportunity for self-control.

Therefore, I do not study anything extraneous because I very clearly see, precisely from the analysis of what other sciences do, how much this is work within egoism, and therefore, does not rise above our world, no matter how scientists think they are above it.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. The Difference Between Kabbalah, Science and New Age” 1/28/12

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