What Is The Creator’s Name?

236.01 Maxiver writes:

Please tell me, what is the Creator’s name? When I ask Him for something, it seems necessary to call Him by name. After all, when I ask someone for something, I address them by name. So how should I address the Creator?

My Response: Abba.

Question: Do you mean “Father”?

Answer: Father.

Question: Is that how we should perceive Him?

Answer: Yes.

Question: When you say the word “Abba,” “Father,” what do you mean by it?

Answer: That He is my root; I grow from Him.

Question: Can we tell Him absolutely everything, or are there some prohibitions?

Answer: No, there are no prohibitions. Avinu, Our Father.

Question: When it says, “Our Father in heaven,” what does that mean?

Answer: That He is above us and determining all our paths.

Question: Is that what is meant by “in heaven”?

Answer: Yes.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 4/1/24

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