Let the Creator into the Mutual Guarantee

276.02Question: What does it mean to let the Creator into the mutual guarantee?

Answer: When we talk about mutual guarantee, we mean the right connection between people. That is, we ask ourselves how we should be united in order to represent a reliable earthly system of interconnected people.

There are people who understand that their egoistic desires play with them so much that they are unable to control themselves. If we look at humanity from the outside, what is happening to us simply defies any justification because we are trying to destroy, humiliate, kill, and suppress each other. We are motivated to do this by our inner desire, which does not allow us to exist in peace.

We need to neutralize the evil inclination in a person in some way. There is only one salvation for this—the force existing in nature that is able to balance our egoism. But we need to attract it to ourselves. This positive force is called the Creator.
From the Kabbalah Lesson 2/17/20, “Preparation for the Convention”

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