The Purpose of Dissemination

938.05Comment: You say that dissemination depends on our internal unity. In theory, we want to convey some information. We gather together to do this.

My Response: We gather together for dissemination in order to unite and to find between us precisely the properties that connect us: mutual bestowal, mutual support, mutual guarantee, flexibility, connection, common bonding, even love.

We wish to clarify these properties. Why do we need all this? In order to then reveal the same properties in the rest of the world because the rest of the entire world (inanimate, vegetative, animate, and human nature), the entire mass represents the huge desire that must be completely, organically connected into one whole.

Then in this unified desire that is connected through common efforts, we will feel the property of bestowal and love, which we implement together. And this property of bestowal and love implemented jointly by us is called the Creator.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. The Meaning of Kabbalah Dissemination” 2/12/12

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