The Power of Faith

562.01When …he sees that for himself he cannot receive the above-mentioned, then he makes a true prayer that the Creator will help him, and then the Creator makes a miracle for him and gives him the light of faith (Rabash, Notes 638 “Man’s Inclination”).

Question: How can one receive faith not for the sake of miracles, but for the sake of bestowal?

Answer: How can we share the light that descends to us in order to see what it comes for? Is it to give me the power of faith or just to lift me up so that I can see more of what is going on?

I think we need to have a better understanding of what it means to be in faith. We have no idea how great a force this is.

In our world, “faith,” “believer,” “believes” are all somehow lost. But in fact, the power of faith is the power that lifts a person above everything. And then one can control oneself.

Faith above reason does not belong to our earthly level; therefore, it is called a miracle. It is above the laws of nature.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 5/21/24, Writings of Rabash “Man’s Inclination”

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