The Point that Determines a Person’s Life

 202Question: Can you distinguish a person with a point in the heart from others?

Answer: Yes of course. It does not depend on a person’s age. It does not even depend on whether they study Kabbalah or not. It is evident that they have this point.

I remember when I brought my seven-year-old son to Rabash he said, “He has a point in the heart.”

But that did not stop him from advising me to send my son far away from me. He believed the boy would hinder my development, and it would be better for me to be alone. And moving away would be beneficial for my son’s health. So, I sent him away.

It does not matter. My son is still connected to us, even though he had opportunities to become anything he wanted.

The point in the heart is something that determines a person’s entire life.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. The Creator in Man…“ 3/20/10

Related Material:
When the Point in the Heart Awakens
Time to Extract the Point in the Heart
Elevate The Point In The Heart

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