The Last Stage of the World Development

284.05In the article “The Last Generation” Baal HaSulam described how the structures of the state will look when some people are at the stage of realizing evil, some at the stage of “do not harm others,” and someone is already in love for one’s neighbor.

He specifically describes how the social structures of society, the courts, and everything that exists in the state will look.

In the primary sources, it is said that this should first of all happen in the State of Israel, with the Jews, because this is the nation chosen for the purpose of unity and love for one’s neighbor back in ancient Babylon thousands of years ago. And this does not refer to nationality but to the aspiration of the soul.

That is, the last stage of spiritual development is the existence of the state of Israel for the whole world.

When we can create such a state structure and such emotional relationships between people here, then we will have some tools and we will be able to set an example to others.

And then the whole world will become a closed system that exists according to the rule “love your neighbor as yourself.”
From KabTV’s “Era of the Last Generation” 5/9/24

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