The Essence of Connection

938.05Question: What does it mean that the ten reveals the face of Shechina? Is it some kind of sensation between the friends?

Answer: Yes, if there is no common sensation, how can the Creator be felt? A single person cannot feel the Creator. One must be connected with others, bestow, receive, and form a complete feeling, a complete Kli, together with them.

Question: How is this complete Kli different from the usual connection between friends in the ten?

Answer: It differs in the essence of connection when the friends connect to reveal the Creator, not for themselves, but for the entire world. That is the direction they act in.

Question: Suppose we, at our gathering, try to build the intention to reveal the Creator for the sake of the entire world. What should happen in our connection for the face of the Shechina to manifest there?

Answer: You should feel that you are gradually getting closer to the state where the Shechina reveals within you. When this happens, the ten will feel the manifestation of the Creator.
From the KabU Retreat in Holland 6/1/24, “The Creator Is in the Ten”

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