Terms of Connection

524.01Question: I have written down the conditions that should unite us: mutual guarantee, annulment, prayer for friends, “There is none else besides Him,” stay in one desire, and form a channel between the Creator and the ten.

That is what I just remembered. How do we observe all this at the same time?

Answer: There is nothing complicated about it. Nothing!

Question: But I can focus on a maximum of two conditions.

Answer: No, it is not on all of them together. All these conditions do not contradict each other. They only talk about your mutual relationship with the group. As much as you can glue into them, they can glue into you.

Proper interaction and communication between you are expressed in these conditions. You can stick a thousand different expressions on them. It does not matter. It is an open channel. That is all.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/17/20, “Preparation for the Convention”

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