Rise on Eagle’s Wings

595.05Sometimes people complain that the spiritual path takes such a long time—years. But the only advice is to be patient and continue scrutinizing what exactly is necessary and the result will be revealed. Again and again, we should try to connect with the friends and turn to the Creator in order to ask once more.

A person alone cannot do much; the acceleration of time depends only on the group. If we unite, we can hasten time.

Therefore, one should calm down. If a person already understands that it is impossible to change their nature by their own efforts and that it can only be received from the Creator, then they must seek the right means that will lead them to the goal. Then he comes to the wisdom of Kabbalah, performs the actions advised by Kabbalists, and thus breaks through.

I think that very soon we will feel how we all are rising on the wings of an eagle.
From International Kabbalah Convention 5/19/24, “Praying to Go Above Reason”

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