Return to Our Roots

610.2Question: Can each of the stages of spiritual development (revelation of evil, do no harm to others, love your neighbor as yourself) take decades?

Answer: Today it takes much less.

Question: How can this be; we are all so different? There are people who may still be at the first stage and there are those who are already at the third stage.

Answer: This is the same as in our society; there are different people: rich and poor, smart and not so smart, and so on. That is, they always complement each other.

Question: Baal HaSulam explains that when a person acquires the altruistic property, meaning, the ability to unite with others and not use them for one’s own benefit, he immediately begins to feel the upper force according to the law of equivalence of properties.

He writes that contact with the upper force is the most natural state for a person. How can you explain this?

Answer: It is a return to our root, the root we came from.

Question: Is it natural for a person to be in connection with the Creator? It is certainly natural for us to be egoistic.

Answer: But our egoism also comes from there. The Creator created everything. He created evil and gave us the opportunity to correct it. In this way we move toward good.
From KabTV’s “Era of the Last Generation” 5/9/24

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