Prayer from the Common Connection

942Question: Based on our discussions, it seems important for us to reveal the Creator because we were chosen for this.

We should simply accept this as a fact and from this state form a prayer. What is special about such a prayer?

Answer: The fact that you want to find contact with the Creator and only through this contact, connection with Him.

Question: If I send a prayer to the Creator every morning after having united the hearts of all my friends by name into one heart, does this prayer have the power of the ten? How strong is this prayer even though I do it alone?

Answer: Ideally you should try to feel the response of the Creator in your common connection in the ten. If you persistently try to do this, you will start to feel it.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 5/14/24, Writings of Rabash “Those of Little Faith”

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