Millennia Beyond Comprehension

235Question: What does the collective universal consciousness give?

Answer: The sensation of the Creator.

When one comprehends absolutely complete mutual penetration, a combination of all disassembled, distant souls, then their multiple embedding into one another and their connection, to the extent that they are all different, all opposite to each other in their multidimensional space and at the same time all united, connecting in the same multidimensional spaces, preserving their oppositeness, all this becomes such an intertwined, multidimensional receptacle of sensation that this is exactly how the primordial force that gave birth to everything, called the Creator, is attained. This way we can finally feel It, get to It! And He is there, inside. He is not hiding, but it is there, inside, that we begin to feel Him.

In such a way we can finally feel Him, reach Him! And He is there, inside. He does not hide, but it is precisely there, inside, that we begin to feel Him.

Question: And who gave birth to this original force, the Creator?

Answer: We do not know that. We do not ask such a question because we need to reach the Creator. We don’t even understand how we do it.

And when we begin to attain Him, then He already takes us, united together with Him, because we have reached His state, His external quality, His external manifestation toward us, and we go somewhere with Him. He takes us out of this state to somewhere further away where it is unknown. Into some subsequent attainments that are called the seventh, eighth, ninth, and tenth millennia.

Our maximum unification is called “6,000 years.” Then comes the “Sabbath.” the so-called “seventh millennium,” when we are fully united together and reveal the upper force that created this state. And then, after already being united during the seventh millennium state, we go together with this force to an unknown place and transition to the next state.

Baal HaSulam even writes about the tenth millennium, but it is completely incomprehensible to us. It is impossible to imagine, because such unification is beyond our senses or analysis in the mind.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Feeling of the Creator” 2/2/12

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