Man’s Inner World

294.4Question: The spiritual world is the Creator’s system. How do we perceive this picture?

Answer: I perceive it in a systematic way, by means of forces. Why should I see pretty pictures before me?

Let’s say you see a picture on your monitor and it supposedly contains 18 million colors. So what? In reality, it is depicted by electrical vectors.

Why should I be at the level of external imagery if I can be at the level of vectors? They give me a stronger sense of inner brightness in comparing the feelings that arise in our world versus the spiritual world.

Comment: Let’s say you come up with a situation inside you and seemingly manifest it into the external…

My Response: Why? If I can transmit my perception to you without a modem and you can transmit yours to me, why do we need a technical connection with a microphone and speakers? What for, if at the spiritual level, we both feel the same picture directly inside ourselves?

You feel it your way and I feel it my way, but we feel the same thing—different perceptions sensing the same phenomenon.

Question: What is the mistake of our world when we go into an external form? Any person who feels something, has created something, he tries to embody it externally. But how can one embody it inside himself and pass it on to another?

Answer: Spiritual things can be transferred to another only if we share a common screen.

Comment: But in our world, people transmit information through art, songs, and other things.

Answer: Yes, this is how they convey their feelings to others. And others build their feelings on these sensations, perhaps completely erroneously compared to what the author wanted to express.

In our world, everyone feels their own way, as we cannot combine our feelings. While in the spiritual world, you can achieve this when you attain the same spiritual degree.

Let’s say I’m at the 15th spiritual degree. You reach the same level, and we meet there and get exactly the same information because we have achieved exactly the same correction.

Each of us perfectly fits these conditions (number 15), and we have no problems with the fact that you and I perceive them differently from the same source, each according to the root of his soul, but from the same source. Therefore, we describe the same phenomena in different ways, but at the same time we know they are the same at the source.

Question: How can we guide someone specifically through these feelings?

Answer: You cannot. You cannot guide a blind person through your feelings; he has no eyes. Of course you can tell him how you feel, but what could he imagine from this?
From KabTV’s “I got a call. Human Inner World” 2/15/12

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