How Do We Create a Common Desire?

631.1Comment: You said that desire is primary. This threw me into a stupor because desires arise in my brain.

My Response: No, the Creator initially created desires, and then they began to take on various magnitudes, meanings, and forms, which we see as inanimate, vegetative, animate, and human degrees. In general, there are only desires in nature, only desires.

Question: If these desires arose in my brain, how can I correctly convey them to my friends and society and try to prove that they are correct?

Answer: There is nothing to prove. Each person has one’s own desires and is occupied only with them.

Question: And how do we create a common desire to sail together and unite?

Answer: It depends on your goal, and if you have only one, the Creator, you will unite your desires in Him.

Question: According to my feelings, everyone has their own Creator. Everyone creates Him by himself even though we are together. How do we create a collective Creator correctly?

Answer: Strive for a common goal, and you will understand how to act among yourselves.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 5/24/24, Writings of Rabash “Mind and Heart”

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