How Can I Enter the Spiritual World?

608.02Comment: I have a great desire to enter the spiritual world as soon as possible in order to bestow to others. However, you say that for people with heavy egoism, it takes a long time to ascend into spirituality, but you rise to a higher degree.

How can I resolve this contradiction in feelings that on one hand, I want to hurry up, on the other hand, I want to rise high?

My Response: The fact is that you want it egoistically, which is why you have contradictions. And if you do it altruistically, then you will see that there are absolutely no obstacles in front of you.

You can already feel yourself in the spiritual world, but only to the extent of your bestowal.

I am not trying to confuse you with ambiguous hints, but I am speaking directly. Maybe it hurts a person’s ears when I say, “Do you want spirituality? Please bestow.” It sounds very harsh, but it’s true.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/19/20, “Preparation for the Convention”

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