Female Desire, Male Intention

282.02It therefore follows that each one should try to bring into the society a spirit of life and hopefulness, and infuse energy into the society. Thus, each of the friends will be able to tell himself, “Now I am starting a clean slate in the work.” In other words, before he came to the society, he was disappointed with the progress in the work of the Creator, but now the society has filled him with life and hopefulness.

Thus, through the society, he obtained the confidence and strength to overcome because now he feels that he can achieve wholeness (Rabash, Article 30 “What to Look for in the Assembly of Friends”).

There is an apparent principle in Kabbalah: There is Kabbalah, and there is material life. Separate this clearly with an iron wall.

In this life your personal aspects are your body, food, family, children, whatever you want. On the other hand, we need to comprehend the Creator, our activities, our group, and our friends without mixing.

Although we consist of two parts, male and female, we cannot mix them. However, the woman is given an opportunity to ask questions, listen, and participate.

Women have very powerful Hisaron, and you can feel how they pressure men; this is very good. And we must take their pure Hisaron, pure desire, and connect it to ourselves.

It is what we study from the structure of the spiritual Partzuf. Malchut, located below, is the female part. And the restriction (Tzimtzum), the screen (Masach), the reflected light (Ohr Hozer), this is all the male part, which is included in the first nine Sefirot where the upper light is obtained and the Creator is revealed.

That is, the Creator is revealed in a woman’s desire, formed with the help of a man’s intention.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/17/20, “Preparation for the Convention”

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Female Desire And Male Intention
Woman’s Desire
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