Expiration Date of Kabbalah

222Question: Do Kabbalah lessons have a statute of limitations? Why do we keep recording and updating them?

Answer: Firstly, Kabbalah is being updated with each generation as new souls descend into our world and require a suitable exposition of Kabbalah.

Of course Kabbalah does not change. The structure of the universe is unchanging. But since we are changing, we must receive an updated methodological guide to the disclosure of the universe every time. Therefore, every Kabbalist in his generation felt responsible for this and added something to Kabbalah.

Thus, a huge number of Kabbalistic books appeared, which we do not even know, because now, by a happy coincidence, all of Kabbalah has been compiled, assembled, decomposed, analyzed and synthesized for us in the works of Baal HaSulam. Therefore, we do not need to be distracted by other sources.

By the way, I didn’t know about Baal HaSulam at first. They didn’t want to tell me about him. You can’t imagine how many books I went through, what a huge library I had! And now there are only our books left. However, there are also books by Ramhal, AGRA, such recognized Kabbalists. But, in general, apart from the books of Baal HaSulam, we practically do not need anything else.

After I went through all the other books on Kabbalah, especially RAMAK and the more ancient Kabbalists, I realized that there was nothing to do. I am very glad that I discovered Baal HaSulam at the time and settled on him. And to this day, I see that this is the only source for us, not the first among the others, but simply the only one.

And we for our part must also take care of the people who come to us, because they need to adapt the works of Baal HaSulam.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Expiration Date of Kabbalah” 1/31/10

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