Everything that Benefits Connection Is Good!

522.03Question: How can one convince oneself that any actions for oneself are evil? Even some kind and positive group actions done for oneself are still evil.

Answer: Anything that hinders truth and devoted connection in one common desire is evil. It is impossible to give a clear definition of evil. Evil is opposed to connection in which the quality of the Creator is revealed.

Comment: I do some group actions, and they are beneficial, but at the same time, when I analyze them, I catch myself thinking that I did them for myself. But I do not feel bad about it at all. And I do not like that.

My Response: Why? Because you are giving yourself some incorrect definitions. Stop philosophizing!

Anything that leads to the connection with the friends into one single whole, into one thought, into one desire, into one action, into one intention, is good. The place where I dissolve into the group is good.

That is it! Do not consider any other theories.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/17/20, “Preparation for the Convention”

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