Demonstrate the Methodology in Action

937The upper light is acting upon us even now but very cautiously and in the opposite direction. It does not reveal itself to us; instead, it makes even greater darkness for us to feel a strong need for it. That is how it works.

When we begin to ascend the degrees of attaining the system of the upper connecting force, we will be able to speak to humanity in a completely different language. We will explain our methodology to them through our own experiences and demonstrate it in action.

We must reach this state because the nations will not strive toward the Creator and connection themselves. They are immersed in their egoistic desires and will suffer silently. If the point in their hearts, the desire to reveal the source of their lives, does not awaken in them, they will continue to live as they do. After all, desire determines the development of a person.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/17/20, “Preparation for the Convention”

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