Climbing the Spiritual Degrees

41.01Question: What should we do to reveal the Creator?

Answer: The same as we do now, there is nothing else.

If, by connecting with each other, we reach the first stage of unification, the light of the level of Nefesh arises in us; it is the first, the smallest, of the five lights we must attain.

Then we continue to work, and if we go through the embryo state, we are born into the spiritual world.

Then, we begin to feel the next level of our existence called “nursing,” as in our world. That is why such actions occur in our world as the consequences of spiritual actions.

Usually, the nursing period is called “two years.” But those are two years in a spiritual sense. Afterward, we reach the level of Ruach and grow further to the level of Neshama, Haya, Yechida de Nefesh, and so on.

We study all these steps in the Study of The Ten Sefirot. This is what should advance us.

The whole science of Kabbalah, in fact, is built only on giving a person the opportunity to enter the spiritual world and begin their equalization with the Creator.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/19/20, “Preparation for the Convention”

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From The Light Of Nefesh To Yechida
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