Both Joy and Suffering

938.02Question: If I am constantly fulfilled from meetings with my friends, what will lead me to cry out with the true prayer that we must come to? It seems to me that this joy and fulfillment after meetings takes me away from the goal.

Answer: There is a prayer that leads to the Creator, and there is a prayer that distances one from the Creator, which depends on what a person wants. Therefore, at first, we just want to find out how to unite between ourselves and the Creator in order to make Him bring us closer to Himself. This is the most important thing. This is what we want to achieve first of all.

Question: And how can I compel the Creator?

Answer: Through words, through prayer.

Question: But the Creator does not hear our words.

Answer: He hears, not your words, but your heart. It does not matter what language we speak; the main thing is that we experience the right feelings.

Question: But my heart is busy with fulfillment and pleasure; there is no place in it for crying, for prayer.

Answer: That is what you need to think about and decide which is more important to you: to feel the fulfillment of your heart or its emptiness. As soon as you want to feel the true state of the heart, that is, its emptiness, it will tell you how to proceed.

Question: So after every meeting, I should feel dissatisfied like you did when you studied with Rabash and felt empty and annoyed that you did not understand anything?

Answer: We must feel both suffering and joy.
From International Kabbalah Convention 5/19/24, “Happy in Faith Above Reason”

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