Become a Master of Your Craft

938.03Question: Is my task to serve the ten and create the conditions for all the nine friends to unite?

Answer: By doing this you are serving yourself, and not them. Your egoism seems to tell you that you are you, and they are them. In reality, they are the spiritual “you.”

Question: I understand that all my actions regarding the ten come from the mind, from pure calculation, and not from the heart. How can I learn to ask for strength from the ten to move on?

Answer: First of all, asking is good. On the other hand, you must understand that gradually from your efforts you will develop all kinds of feelings, thoughts, and connection with them. You will begin to understand how to quickly create contact with them, and you will become a master of your craft.

Suppose, when you start working with some kind of material or some unknown construct, you do not understand much. But gradually you get a feeling of what you are working with, what it really is.

In the same way, we do not yet have an understanding or feeling of what a ten is. And when you start working with one group, another one, and still another one, trying to gradually connect to them, a structure of this object will begin to get created inside you. In this way, you will begin to feel within yourself what a spiritual Kli is.

You will have a grasp, an understanding, of how the ten changes. Therefore, try to be in different tens all the time. The main thing is to begin to connect. Anyway, all of us, all of humanity are one big ten. So there is no problem being in different states.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/19/20, “Preparation for the Convention”

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