Work in a Family

215Comment: A family nucleus has an interesting structure. People meet, get to know one another, sense one another in some way, and suddenly, you come to the point when you see yourself completely differently through your partner.

Precisely in this nucleus, you cannot escape anywhere and cannot hide anything. It is like work with myself.

Answer: Absolutely, you have to work against yourself. Spouses in a family are like a mirror for one another. Your wife reflects your essence to you. Therefore, you have to take into account what she says.

Question: Sometimes when I yield to my spouse, I feel like a man. However, sometimes the opposite happens, it is like I lose my dignity and self-respect. Is this still correct or is there something wrong here?

Answer: You need to concede almost always. But at the same time, you have to watch so it does not lead to excess.
From KabTV’s “Man and Woman” 3/19/24

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