Questions about Spiritual Work—108

281.02Question: How can you help a friend prevent himself from leaving the spiritual work?

Answer: Get closer to him, talk and consult with him, and involve him more and more in spiritual work.

Question: What is “a Mitzva (commandment) induces a Mitzva”?

Answer: When a person strives to fulfill something of the Creator’s desires, it is called a commandment. And if he realizes it, he gets involved in it and fulfills the next commandment, and then the next, and so on.

Question: What can one do when feeling that no matter what you do and how hard you try it is still not enough? Is this a manifestation of egoism?

Answer: Yes, this is a manifestation of egoism. On the other hand, this is good because you need to strengthen your drawing closer to the Creator.

Question: It says that faith at the previous degree is checked by falling. What kind of test is this?

Answer: A test is when you receive a feeling of how disconnected you are from the Creator.

Question: How are Kelim of bestowal given? Is it to each according to the actions or the whole group?

Answer: Everyone is given what they must go through now.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/3/24, Writings of Rabash “The Meaning of Exile”

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