Our Strength Is In Unity

933We will succeed in destroying the Jews because they are separated from one another; hence, our power against them will certainly prevail (Shamati 144, “There is a Certain People).

Question: What is our power?

Answer: The thing is, egoistic forces want to enter our environment and divide us so that we are not united among us. In such a case, they distance us from the Creator and can do whatever they want with us.

But if we unite among ourselves and with the whole world, then our collective power will represent the spiritual force. We need nothing else beside that. Our strength lies only in unity.

Question: What do we lack for such unity to become an example for the world?

Answer: We lack coming closer to each other and attempts to eliminate all bad thoughts and desires that flow from one to the other. We must rapidly gain strength and speed of unity in order to dispel all opposing thoughts and actions.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/21/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “There Is a Certain People”

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