Natural Disasters and Suffering

284.07Question: Different types of suffering exist from large-scale disasters to various diseases. Can we say that there are certain types of suffering for each desire?

Answer: No, that is not true. But you can generally say so in terms of quantity, quality, and type. We do not do this because we must act to eradicate all suffering.

Question: What do earthquakes, hurricanes, and other natural disasters have to do with relationships between people?

Answer: In human understanding, natural disasters have nothing to do with our relationships. But let’s reduce everything to a common denominator—nature. We can understand, guess, and even foresee that such and such actions may be the consequences of such and such relationships between people.

The destructive relationship between us is the cause of all suffering even on the inanimate level.

Explosions on the Sun, or explosions of stars, storms at sea, typhoons in the ocean, etc.—all this has to do with human actions.

Question: On what basis do you claim this?

Answer: Based on the fact that all nature is global, interconnected, integral, and there is nothing that does not influence everything.
From KabTV’s “Spiritual states” 3/14/24

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